Possibility Management has become the central thoughtware for next culture - archiarchy.
Our Museum is divided into five sections for your discovery pleasures:
First we offer ROOTS - the sources providing specific nutrients giving authenticity to the Possibility Management gameworld.
Next comes SHOOTS - the beginning sprouts of new life, the original creation points of Possibility Management.
After that comes FRUITS - the abundant diversity of valuable bridges now being co-created by Possibility Manager Teams around the world helping people to make the shift to next culture - Archiarchy - the culture that naturally emerges now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
Then we share our HOOTS - us shouting on the rooftops to celebrate those allies and colleagues around the world that we love for doing similar, resonant, or collaborative work as Possibility Management.
And finally we show you our BOOKS - productions of written, audio, and video materials that proudly invite readers, listeners, and viewers to explore the adventurous new territories opening up with the clarity and possibilities of Possibility Management.
This website does what it can to introduce to you the people, discoveries, inventions, and projects created by applying the wealth of distinctions, tools, processes and thoughtmaps of Possibility Management.
We hope you enjoy your visits!
In a world that is rapidly exceeding politically-denied limitations, those who see what is actually going on may at first be perceived as 'the enemy'. This is 'normal' in the domain of transformation. The first groups to change are the 'imaginal cells' - the vanguard of what is emerging. These brave Teams provide 'proof of concept' for the early adopters to copy.
Evolving the next thing at the edge of the known world is not a comfortable job. How can you continue being yourself in a system that reacts as if your uniqueness is a dangerous virus? How can you deliver the crucial services you came here to provide if your true calling is neither recognized nor understood?
Soon, clumps of imaginal cells find each other and come together forming next culture - Archiarchy - the culture naturally emerging around the world now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
"For forty-five years the first explorers of Possibility Management seriously considered these questions. By now there are enclaves of Possibility Management Edgeworkers around the world helping each other upgrade from the self-crippling thoughtware provided by the modern capitalist patriarchal empire."
Weekly Possibility Teams in California, USA.
Delivered in Hamburg, Germany, by Clinton Callahan.
Possibility Management goes global: Australia, Poland, Portugal, New Zealand, Spain, Brazil, America, Germany.
Establishing the Possibility Management Gameworld Infinity Ring.
Trainer Path Begins.
Next Culture Radio Begins.
Global Possibility Managers Website is created.
Possibilitator Training, Rage Club, Rage Club Spaceholder Training, Fear Club, Fear Club Spaceholder Training
S.T.A.R.R.s (Startling Tales About Radical Responsibility)
Jewels Of Possibility (Platform of Collected Possibilitator Articles)
Gameworld Incubator, Mage Training
'ROOTS' are the traditions out of which Possibility Management has gradually emerged.
Possibility Management is an evolving body of thoughtware upgrades, transformational distinctions, emotional healing processes, and authentic adulthood /archetypal initiations. This context is being explored and delivered by a growing community of practitioners and Trainers. The context of Possibility Management is Radical Responsibility.
The Bright Principles of Possibility Management are Clarity, Possibility, and Love.
It turns out that Possibility Management is thoughtware for next culture - Archiarchy - the culture that is naturally emerging after matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course. Possibilitators are bridge builders to Archiarchy. You are probably a Possibilitator.
Anyone discovering Possibility Management now is leaping onto a moving train. You are connecting into a living organism that ongoingly becomes more aware of itself and weaves stronger and more usable bridges to Archiarchy since 1998.
Possibility Management was not born in America. It was born in Europe, over two decades ago, in many ways out of nothing. Yet there are strong contributing elements to become aware of. Possibility Management thrives in its own lineage of traditions. It has its own context and generates its own field. Yet we also stand on the shoulders of - and use the gifts of - so many courageous edgeworking researcher geniuses who have gone before us.
We have recently realized that without special efforts, the lineages, history, and legends - which are so familiar to the 'old rabbits' of Possibility Management - may remain invisible to the 'new rabbits' who are just now coming around. Yet understanding the origins of the Possibility Management gameworld is integral to its richness. For this reason we open the doors to this Museum of Possibility Management free for public viewing, a copyleft open-code contribution to the Creative Commons.
Here we proudly introduce you to the central contributors to the soil out of which Possibility Management sprang forth.
George Ivanovich Gurdjieff
During the first half of the 1900s, George Gurdjieff offered a small Circle of students in Paris special practices for Splitting Attention, paying attention to your attention, Noticing what you notice, Noticing what you notice with, becoming Present as a Being, and entering the Waking State. Gurdjieff taught that most humans do not possess a unified consciousness and thus live their lives in a state of hypnotic 'waking sleep', but that it is possible to awaken to a higher state of consciousness and achieve full human potential. Gurdjieff described a method attempting to do so, calling the discipline 'The Work' (connoting 'work on oneself').
In the books: Meetings With Remarkable Men (also Peter Brooks' excellent film of the same name), Gurdjieff's Early Talks, Life Is Real Only Then When I Am, and so on, Gurdjieff added important experiential distinctions for inhabiting the Energetic Body (one of Possibility Management's 5 Bodies. These distinctions are further communicated by a number of authors, notably The Reality Of Being, by Jeanne de Salzmann. Somehow many of the practical tools and distinctions have found their way into the Context of Possibility Management.
Pyotr Demianovich Ouspenskii
As a ten-year student of Gurdjieff, 'P. D. Ouspensky' found ways to further explain Gurdjieff's thoughtmaps, experiments, and practices in his books The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution, and - what has come be a core Possibility Management background book - In Search of the Miraculous. This is the book Clinton Callahan purchased 'by chance' in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1981 from the J. C. Penny's discount book table in that last hour before setting sail into the South Pacific on the trimaran sailboat christened 'Moondog'. After landfall in Sydney, Australia, the boyfriend of Clinton's housemate looks over Clinton's shoulder while he's reading the final pages and asks, "You like that book?" "Yes," says Clinton. "Then you need to call Ron Bosanquet. Here is his number..." The rest of this indeed 'miraculous' story is told in Clinton's forthcoming book, 'Possibility'.
Richard Buckminster Fuller
The two Buckminster Fuller books central to Possibility Management are Critical Path, and Grunch Of Giants.
'Bucky' Fuller wrote: "You never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
Well... by now it should be clear that the existing models are already obsolete!
In Possibility Management we have updated Buckminster Fuller's distinction to: "You never change things by fighting against the existing gameworlds. To change things, build and inhabit new gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant." Don't be left behind playing in a stupid gameworld...
In PM's first years we were inspired by Fuller's concept that human beings are passengers on 'Spaceship Earth'. More recently we are finding this idea misleading, perhaps even self-deceptive. We are NOT passengers on planet Earth. We ARE planet Earth. We are the part of the forest that stood up and walked out of the forest, and now has the job of protecting the forest. In our uninitiated adolescence, we are not doing a very good job.
Eric Berne
He once declared “I could have spent the rest of my life disproving psychoanalysis, but I decided to invent Transactional Analysis instead.”
During the 1960s, Eric Berne originated the thoughtware and gameworld of Transactional Analysis. With his groundbreaking book Games People Play, Berne created the first 'Ego States' map, a tremendous support for identifying emotional reactivity as its roots. Without being able to experientially distinguish, and consciously and responsibly navigate Reactivity, it is foolhardy to think you can stabilize in the Adult ego where Possibility Management unfolds its full power.
Eric Berne's groundbreaking Parent Adult Child Ego States thoughtmap is the foundation of Possibility Management's Map of 6 Ego States, as shown below in the Shoots section.
Valerie Lankford
Valerie Lankford is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst from Maryland, USA. She authored Four Feelings and What to Do with Them in addition to many other publications.
Valerie Lankford experienced an intense therapeutic process from 1971-1975 at the
Cathexis Institute under the guidance of Jacqui Schiff, and others, who finally asked her to “Think while feeling!” Valerie’s 'thinking while feeling' experiments resulted in her creating an entirely revolutionary thoughtmap proposing that all human feelings can be divided into four categories: anger, sadness, joy, and fear. The profound clarity of the Map of Four Feelings has already changed many people’s lives for the better, and stands at the center of the astonishing effectiveness of Possibility Management's emotional healing and adulthood initiation processes.Stephen Karpman
Through a near-enlightenment experience at a San Francisco movie theater, with his Beep! Book in hand - fingers furiously making notes in the dark - Stephen Karpman saw how every dramatic interaction on screen was the same, with a Victim, a Persecutor, and a Rescuer. That afternoon he drew he Drama Triangle thoughtmap for the first time.
Stephen was a close acquaintance and colleague of Eric Berne, and says, "Eric was an objective scientist, a highly trained physician, and psychiatrist who rebelled against the vague, subjective world of the current psychoanalytic establishment and their complicated language. At his home he gathered a professional group and welcomed all disciplines equally, to help set down a new game-changing set of strict standards with greater objectivity in psychiatric thought than had ever been known before. At the core of his theory was the observable social transaction, a transactional reality in objective facts that could be photographed and tape recorded, as opposed to imaginary transferences and an invisible Super Ego, Ego, and Id." Eric said, "Don’t say anything that cannot be diagrammed," creating the necessity for ongoing invention of new thoughtmaps, a necessity that thrives in Possibility Management.
Carlos Castaneda
Harvey Jackins
José Silva
Joseph Chilton Pearce
Lee Lozowick
Study Group twice per month. Recordings available online at:
Check out Clinton Callahans book: No Reason: 21 years with Western Baul master Lee Lozowick.
Ken Windes
Purna Steinitz
René Daumal
Thomas Gordon
Werner Erhard
Robert Fritz
Helena Norberg-Hodge
'SHOOTS' are the beginning sprouts, the unexpected and astonishing first appearance of distinctions, thoughtmaps, terminology, and processes in Possibility Management.
Everything has a beginning. Beginnings are the most precious of times, to notice, in fact, that something is beginning... to give the new thing a name... to hold space for the unpredictable but inevitable unfoldings... to document what is beginning and how it began so that others can explore the creative path that is being opened.
Here we document some of the remarkable beginnings in Possibility Management.
Valerie Lankford is a North American experimenter who learned to think while feeling. Her research produced the Thoughtmap of 4 Feelings which helps so many people gain access to learning Inner Navigation. Valerie's map has become the foundation for many further distinctions in Possibility Management, including the distinction between Feelings and Emotions, the Thoughtmap of Mixed Emotions, the form and value of Emotional Healing Processes, and the necessity of and procedure for Stellating Feelings Archetypes. Every single distinction derived from Valerie Lankford's Thoughtmap of 4 Feelings anchors a person more solidly into the Adult Ego State where Possibility Management becomes truly functional.
As a student and cohort of Eric Berne, the originator of Transactional Analysis, Stephen Karpman, is trained to think as a map-maker. One Sunday afternoon in 1965 at the movies with his wife in San Francisco, Stephen spontaneously pulls out his pocket notepad and draws a map of all the dramatic interactions he sees being played out on the screen. He is shocked to see that every single thoughtmap that he draws is the same! By the end of the film Stephen Karpman has created the first Drama Triangle Map.
In the 1960s and 70s, Thomas Gordon - author of Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) - distinguishes how human beings destroy intimacy and try to avoid responsibility through using '12 Roadblocks'. In addition, Gordon's 'Active Listening' unveils a new set of skills called 'making Completion Loops' which permit far deeper levels of collaboration. 'Active Listening' has become a central piece of Possibility Management's Map of Listenings, and Creating Possibility.
In the early 1990s, the Canadian comedian and entertainer Rick Lewis, author of Confident Under Pressure, and, 7 Rules You Were Born To Break, creates the acronym S. P. A. R. K. (Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge) in an unpublished manuscript for a novel. Rick secretly lets Clinton Callahan read the story. At Clinton's request, Rick generously grants Possibility Management unrestricted use of the acronym for our S.P.A.R.K. Experiments. Check out Rick's new website: Break A Rule.
Late on a drizzling cold Sunday evening, 9 November 1997, Bernhard Uhl is driving Konstantin Josuttis, Volker Augustiniak, and Clinton Callahan to a seafood dinner in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, in his Mercedes convertible. We are the four Trainers who have just successfully delivered a filled-to-the-max 2.5 day Event Training. As we slow down to abide by the city speed limits, Bernhard reaches over and causes the car's top to go down... while we are still driving... while it is still drizzling. Konstantin, in the back seat with Volker, starts squeaking in outrage. The rest of us look at him with astonishment because Konstantin's nonlinear personality had not shown up all weekend when we badly needed it. Now suddenly it is back! We beg it to stay... "Who are you?" we demand. "What is your name?" "Pym!" squeaks the answer. This is how we meet the first Gremlin. Before the evening is over, three more Gremlins reveal their names. (The full story is included in Clinton Callahan's forthcoming book, Possibility.) Clearly distinguishing the purpose and function of 'Gremlin' was the missing link to building the Thoughtmap of Possibility, a central Thoughtmap in Possibility Management, and also provides the the context and distinctions for effective Gremlin Transformation and Adult Ego State Decontaminations. Thank you Pym for your courage to reveal yourself so effectively! You have already helped so many people!
In Hamburg, Germany, March 1998, Clinton Callahan delivers his first Possibility-Management-contexted training to a group of tough-minded business managers and friends. Fellow Event trainers, Bernhard Uhl and Thomas Bormann, sit at the rear of the training room, writing prodigious notes and providing feedback and coaching on every break. It is a rough ride for Clinton... Many inspiring new things are discovered and clarified about what is needed and wanted in order to deliver a transformational Possibility Management training.
In fall 1998, Jürgen Fuchs hires Clinton Callahan to deliver not just one, but two management development trainings to his team of top managers at CSC Ploenzke in Wiesbaden, Germany. Late Saturday night of the second training, Clinton and Jürgen stand alone together in the training room. Clinton is frustrated, having struggled all day with managers who are expert in defending their verbal-reality. Jürgen is about to leave, but pauses thoughtfully at the door and suddenly turns back. He literally drags Clinton by the shoulder over to the flipchart board, points at Clinton's sketch of a person inside of a box, and insists, "This! This is what you are doing for people! Expanding their box!" That is how Expand The Box training gets named. Jürgen Fuchs is author of several books in German including: Das Märchenbuch für Manager: Gute-Nacht-Geschichten für Leitende und Leidende (Fairy Tales for Managers: bedtime stories for leaders and sufferers), and, Schluss mit Hierachie: Wie Unternehmen menschlicher werden (End of Hierarchy: how business becomes more human), written with his son Holger Fuchs.
On day three of a Possibility Lab in Germany around 2004, a participant named Wolfgang Köhler stands up during the morning Check-In Circle. Without hesitation he walks over to the flip-chart board, turns to us and says, "We have four bodies. May I use the marker pens?" He proceeds to draw Possibility Management's first Thoughtmap of 4 Bodies. We all stand excitedly and applaud.
One night in 2007, Marion Lutz returns from delivering an evening session of her weekly Abenteuer Gefühle course near Munich, Germany, and announces, "Tonight we created a map for unmixing emotions." This new clarity deepens the emotional body healing possibilities into whole new territories, and goes on to become a core element in the Feelings Practitioner program, Possibility Labs, Possibility Coaching, Possibility Mediation, and Possibility Psychology. Emotional Healing Processes become a core element of this Path because they prove to be so transformative.
The first Feelings Practitioner training is held 16 - 19 March 2017, at Moeglichkeitenraum near Bielefeld in Germany. Five Possibility Management Trainers - who are also skilled healers - open the space for a wealth of new discoveries connecting feeling, emotions, imbalances, and 5 Body healings. (Left to right: Michael Hallinger, Katharina Kaifler, Michaela Kaiser, Dahlia Abramovic, and Dagmer Thürnagel.)
On day one of the Intimacy Journeyer Training 6-10 November 2017, at Amalurra Center in Bilbao, Portugal, Trainers Clinton Callahan and Anne Schmid draw the familiar 4 Body Thoughtmap but are trying to invite participants into exploring their 5th Body (the Archetypal Body). Clinton stands with his Edding 800 pens in hand, mouth hanging open, dumbfounded, groundlless. Anne Schmid suddenly blurts out, "I know how to draw this." With a few sweeping strokes she draws Possibility Management's first Thoughtmap of 5 Bodies. An astonishing new world of 5 Body Intimacy Journeys is thereby opened up for everyone to explore.
On 24 April 2018 our Possibility Trainer gameworld enters breakdown during a Trainer Guild 'Togethering' at the Möglichkeitenraum center near Bielefeld, Germany. We are stuck. We have been accustomed to being together in Training spaces where everyone does the same thing at the same time, but here we are gathered in our own circle, where some Trainers want to learn a new process, others want to go outside and tell stories around a campfire, a few others want to forward a project they are creating together. Clearly we want to honor our individual needs, and just as clearly we want to stay deeply connected together as a group. During a Liquid State flash of authentic necessity, we co-create Torus Technology. The Torus Diverges - exhaling - in Nodes, with each Node a Circle that is Radically Responsible for its own actions and decisions. When the Torus Converges - inhaling - all the little Nodes come back together into one big Circle to share discoveries and decisions. In the next months we invent the Purple Card, the Frying Pan, Poop On The Table, and Resistance Decision Making. If you have Resistance to a decision made by a Node, then you join the Node during the next Divergence! Torus Technology is already making a huge difference in the self-governance of Nanonations and Ecovillages around the world.
By April 2019 a wave of Edgeworkers - many of them young - simultaneously want to learn to deliver Expand The Box trainings in their area. Intuitively responding to this necessity brings the global Possibility Management Trainer Path to life. Certain individuals are already building Space Navigation capacity by participating in Trainer Skills Labs occasionally being delivered by Michaela Kaiser, Michael Pörtner, Michael Hallinger, Dagmar Thürnagel, Georg Pollitt, and Katharina Kaifler. Yet something magical happens when Anne-Chloé Destremau delivers the first Trainer Path Gathering near Wurzburg, Germany. Suddenly a global community of trainer types bonds into a Team.
Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt unleashes her courageous and contagious experiment-joy to invent the first-ever online Expand The Box training in summer 2020. She uses the vacuum created by COVID's in-person meeting restrictions to create the opportunity for German-speaking participants to meet online. Nicola is a living example of the Possibility Management axiom, "Something completely different from this is possible right now."
In the fall of 2020, Anne-Chloé Destremau creates and delivers the first online Rage Club series, and immediately after, also the first online Fear Club series. Rage Club is not to learn to shout around. Fear Club is not about screaming your brains out. Both anger and fear are inconceivably rich resources of intelligent applications of internal energies. Human beings have extraordinary capacities for aliveness far beyond what we are permitted to imagine using S.H.I.T. (Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware). Soon after, Anne-Chloé also delivers the first ever Rage Club Spaceholder Training online with Vera Luisa Franco.
November 2020 Vera Luisa Franco creates and delivers the first online Expand The Box trainings in both English and Portuguese! Born in Portugal plus living at Findhorn ecovillage in Scotland for ten years, ignites Vera's global-citizen edgeworker skills that are unquenchable.
Early April 2021 while Anne-Chloé Destremau struggles to deepen and clarify the Context of the PM Trainer Path, and Clinton Callahan struggles to build the Gaian Gameworlds website for StartOver.xyz, it suddenly becomes clear that what has been missing and what is sorely needed is a combination of the two! Possibilitator Training springs into life - not a program, but rather a formal Path empowered by the trainings, tools, thoughtmaps, distinctions, processes and infrastructure of Possibility Management for people to come together in a global community of mutual endeavor and deliver their Nonmaterial Value to their Village.
By July 2021 enough Possibilitators express a deep wish to participate in a regenerative-culture initiation-centered adulthood-contexted Rapid Learning environment of 'synergetic education' and 'temporary community' that the first Bridge-House spontaneously pops into existence as Bridge-House-Devalaya in Germany, with Divyám'shu as Spaceholder. Then a wide variety of Bridge-Houses sprout up here and there, including Single-Moms-Bridge-House in Portugal, Possibility-Coaching-Bridge-House in Austria, Writing House in Mexico, Bridge-House-Sepolno in Poland, Bridge-House-Dandelion in Brazil, and Possibilica Village Hub in New Zealand. We think the emergence of Bridge-Houses is just beginning... Have you ever dreamed of switching over to a life that makes sense?
In 2022, Christine Dürschner takes a stand to be Spaceholder for the Possibilitator Training Specialty: Possibility Coaching. She delivers the first Possibility Coaching Training online.
'FRUITS' are the bountiful creations, platforms, and possibilities that have so far blossomed forth in the richly diverse domains of the Possibility Management gameworld.
As you might imagine, a creative force-field, powered by Bright Principles such as Clarity, Possibility, Transformation, and Love, gives birth to more and more opportunities for personal discovery and transformational healing. The outcome of years of creative experiments and dedicated efforts by Possibilitators around the world has produced an outstanding array of inviting playfields. Check them out!
Our central Possibility Management website, complete with calendar and registration forms.
Possibilitator Training is not a program. It is a Path, unique for each person. A Possibilitator becomes a triple intersection Space - the creative collaboration of 3 forces of Nature:
- Your Archetypal Lineage.
- Your Bright Principles.
- The Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.).
A global Tribe welcomes you!
Here is what active Possibility Managers are creating around the world, their personal websites, project websites, and country websites.
StartOver.xyz - the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game starts HERE -> howtoplay.mystrikingly.com and,
Next Culture Radio - including current and historical talks and recording. This is a treasure chest of Matrix Building downloads.
Possibility Management TV - our YouTube Channel showing PM related interviews, WorkTalks, summit keynotes, animations, even music videos!
Emotional Healing Process - healing and personal responsibility distinctions and awareness for entering adulthood.
Feelings Practitioners - using the energy and intelligence of your feelings and emotions to heal ailments in your 5 Bodies. This includes the Feelings Practitioner Certification Program.
Possibility Management Trainer Path - the Path and the Team practicing the special skills needed to be an Expand The Box Trainers.
Distinctionary - the online dictionary of Possibility Management distinctions: thoughtware for next culture: Archiarchy.
Gaian Gameworlds - how to build the infrastructure of your life so that it feeds Gaia, rather than being a parasite on Gaia. This clarity ignites unquenchable inspiration for entering the new era.
Possibility Management Trainers are members of our global Trainer Guild. Here you can learn about the Trainer Guild gameworld, Codex and Rules Of Engagement.
Next Culture Press - publishing eye-and-heart-opening books from Possibilitators.
Possibility Management Book Shop
(in North America)
New Story Summit - Findhorn, Scotland
17 Possibility Management Trainers participated in the 2014 New Story Summit at the Findhorn nanonation, Scotland.
Archiarchy Kiva - Our globally collaborating lending Team from Archiarchy, letting other people benefit from our money whenever we are not using it, through interest-free micro-loans from KIVA.
Archiarchy Artabana - Our mutual-benefit health-cooperative Teams, contexted in Archiarchal clarity, possibility, and healing practices.
3 Phase Healing - A new mode for relating to 5 Body Liquid States where dis-easefulness is regarded as an invitation to deep authentic change and a bridge into new life territories.
Jewels Of Possibility - collection of PM related articles by Possibilitators
'HOOTS' are us cheering on our partner gameworlds, the courageous teams who are building bridges and infrastructure of next culture - Archiarchy - the culture that naturally emerges after Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
It is an honor to give a hoot and a shout-out to our allies and friends in the fields of healing, thoughtware upgrade, creation of possibility, circular meeting technologies, cultural edgework gameworld building, and transformational trainer skills. Here we proudly acknowledge the field of next culture - Archiarchy - which together we are calling forth out of nothing.
Articles by Anne-Chloé Destremau, Clinton Callahan, Nicola (Nagel) Neumann-Mangoldt, Patrizia (Servidio) Patz, Vera Luisa Franco, etc.
Bolad's Kitchen
Martín Prechtel's Mayan initiatory traditions are alive and well in New Mexico.
Dream Change
It is time for us in the modern world to shift into living in harmony with nature and one another - both for the short-term and the long-term.
Earth Guardian
Flowering Mountain
Martín Prechtel's center for Mayan initiations in New Mexico, USA.
Humanity Rising solutions
Ubiquity University with Peter Merry, ongoing knowledge and skill sharing.
Pachamama Alliance
Generating a critical mass of conscious commitment to a global community that offers people the chance to learn, connect, engage, travel and cherish life for creating a regenerative future.
School of Lost Border
Gigi Coyle et. al., eleven-day vision fasts in the wilderness.
Tamera Biotope
Sabine Lichtenfels et. al., a next-culture ecovillage / nanonation in Portugal.
The Event Training
Fleet Maull, Khandro Kelly, Purna Steinitz, matrix building breakthrough Training.
Zegg Center
Center for Experimental Cultural and Social Design - a next-culture ecovillage / nanonation in Germany.
By now a number of informative and inspiring books and CDs have been created in the Radical Responsibility context of Possibility Management, exploring the tools, processes, thoughtmaps, and distinctions in several languages. We are proud of our courageous authors. Perhaps you are next?
Her Conscious Anger : workbook for women
By Julia Neumann and Alice Belz, 2024.
From the first spark of inspiration to the final sentence, this book represents not just the passion of its authors, but also a shared journey of discovery offered to its readers.
Imagine a world where you are the source of the culture you want to live in.
This Workbook is for every woman who wants to unleash her potential and reclaim her Anger to transform its energy and information so that: She has her center, her voice, knows what she wants, and vibrantly thrives.
In a world hungry for authentic connection, our true power lies in our ability to uplift and inspire, standing fiercely beside our sisters, leaving competition behind and uniting in collaboration.
Julia’s clarity and eloquence breathe life into a topic that is often hard to talk about. Alice’s real-life examples and vivid writing blow life into the distinctions.
Step by step, Her Conscious Anger offers exercises and practices for new experience.
All these ingredients make this book a delightful read, inviting you to uncover the treasure that Her Conscious Anger actually leads to...
Published by Radically Alive Woman.
Cavitation: the emergence of Archiarchy
(the first Archan novel...)
by Clinton Callahan, 2024.
I cradle Cavitation in my arms. My eyes brim over with tears. I’ve been longing to read this book my whole life. I so wanted to collaborate with the likes of people whose stories are told in these pages. I thought I would need to write this book myself if I wanted the thoughtmaps to exist. But here they are! Now I can hardly contain my impatience to meet anyone else who has read Cavitation so we can get on with creating Archiarchy together.
Each time I put Cavitation down, I long to hold it in my hands again. The pages are transparent doorways leading to precious, ancient, transformational chambers from an infinite labyrinth. Each story is a download of practical wisdom, woven into a novel of realistic loving discoveries. I don't want the book to be over too soon, but I can’t resist reading further. I keep wanting to find out what becomes of me when I continue on this journey. This book is a celebration!
Cavitation tells the kind of stories that pull the rug out from under your belief system and drop you into a new reality by giving you models not bound by the limitations of your current worldview. This is a book of doorways to seemingly impossible worlds. But when you go through a doorway, the new world is no longer impossible, because the book gives you the tools to bring it to life yourself.
Published by Thoughtware Press.
Four Feelings and What To Do With Them: origins of regenerative human culture
by Valerie Lankford, 1981, re-released by Thoughtware Press 2024, with Foreword and Afterword by Clinton Callahan.
When Four Feelings And What To Do With Them was first published in 1981, the idea that your feelings could be good for something was revolutionary. The funny thing about that concept is, it is still revolutionary today! Through practical guidelines taken from every-day real-life situations, Valerie Lankford unfolds a powerful inner roadmap for you. Knowing what you feel indicates your true ‘X’ on the map. From there you can say what you need, and also listen to the feelings of others without being overwhelmed. This book transforms a ‘disturbing handicap’ into a relational superpower. You discover through down-to-earth no-nonsense instructions how your four universal feelings can help you to solve problems and to feel better.
This book includes Valerie Lankford’s ground-breaking Four Feelings pamphlet, plus seven empowering articles from Lankford’s decades of experience as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (L.C.P.C.), and a Clinical Teaching Member of the International Transactional Analysis Association. In a startling Foreword and an extensive Afterword, Clinton Callahan – originator of Possibility Management – reveals how Valerie Lankford’s Thoughtmap of Four Feelings is nothing less than the seed crystal that is catalyzing regenerative human cultures on Earth.
Published by Thoughtware Press
Ohne Grund: 21 Jahre bei Western Baul-Meister Lee Lozowick
von Clinton Callahan, 2022. Übersetzt ins Deutsche von Sophia Wegele, 2024.
Wahre Geschichten über Clintons einundzwanzigjährige Ausbildung beim archetypischen Magier Lee Lozowick. Hier sind Lehren, die auf der Straße gelernt wurden, während Lee Lozowick einen unmittelbaren alchemistischen Prozess liefert. Zusätzlich zu Clintons Artikeln, die in der Zeitschrift „Tawagoto“ der Hohm Community veröffentlicht wurden, und den Hohm Sahaj Mandir Study Manuals III und IV enthält No Reason nie zuvor geteilte Unterscheidungen, flüssige Zustände, privates Feedback und Coaching, herzzerreißende Einsichten, unglaubliche Möglichkeiten, peinliche Fehler und verblüffende Durchbrüche. Dieses Buch ist eine Schatztruhe hart erkämpfter und niemals zu vergessender evolutionärer Juwelen ... der Ausbildung eines Possibilitators. Ein Leser schrieb: „Endlich ist No Reason angekommen. Ich sitze hier in Tränen aufgelöst und bin so berührt und verbunden von Ihren Worten über Ihre Liebe zu Lee!!! Als ich in seinem Ashram war, schaute ich in einige seiner Bücher und genau das Gleiche passierte. Ich lese und spüre seine Liebe zu seinem Meister. Clinton, ich liebe dich so sehr für diese Liebe. Das ist, wo ich herkomme, was ich bin und was ich sein möchte. Das ist meine Sprache, mein Zuhause! Das ist Der Treffpunkt, mein Haken, mein Schmerz, meine Freude! Ich danke dir so sehr für deine Arbeit und Liebe!“
Veröffentlicht von Thoughtware Press über Amazon Books On Demand.
The Power Of Purpose: How to get out of your way and live your calling
by Patrizia Patz, 2023. We have been conditioned in a society where work primarily ensures survival and grants status. Vocation is not really an aspect worth thinking about in the current world of work. And even when we have clarity about what we burn for, what we really want to do, most people seeking their calling remain in the established model. Why do we so freely trade freedom and fulfilment for apparent security? Why have we lost our courage? Patrizia Patz's book provides answers. It explores the feasibility between desire and reality, provides attractive possibilities to get on the track of our passions and talents and to realise a good life - with a job that also pays the bills. For this to succeed, we need a new way of thinking and a little courage to leave the pre-drawn mainstream career path and expand our own comfort zone. The first steps are simple: get clear about what you like to do and what you are passionate about. Free yourself from expectations that you should live up to. Take courage and trust in the path.
Published by Amazon Books On Demand
White Witch of Tenerife: Seventy-five years successfully treating patients modern medicine abandonned as hopeless - the life and work of Elsemarijke Koster in her own words
by Clinton Callahan, 2023. There are rare individuals - certain shining stars - who, by birth or by revelation, escape those fiercely-enforced social restrictions about what a human being can become. They establish a private relationship with the Universe. A few of these eccentrics dedicate their lives to helping whoever knocks on their door to experience less pain and more opportunities. One such 'angel' is Elsemarijke Koster, born during a German air-raid attack on Amsterdam in 1943. Nearly unknown, except in those circles where her potent blessings have caused ripples of impossible healings, Elsemarijke leads a life of unlikely coincidences and challenges, each building one-upon-the-next to culminate in her discoveries about healing and human potentials. This book tells Elsemarijke's personal tales, documented by Clinton Callahan during a month-long interview in 2013. Anyone in the healing, transformation, or medical professions may find this volume deeply inspiring and exceptionally useful. Already we are receiving feedback about the book:
"I just finished reading, ‘White Witch of Tenerife’… perhaps the MOST INSPIRING read ever in my lifetime! It is incredibly well written in credit to Clinton! I am THOROUGHLY INSPIRED:
* to be a more humble person
* to be a more aware and conscious being
* to be much more a ‘giver’ vs. ‘taker’ in my life
* to continue to GROW on my PATH
* to MORE TRULY APPRECIATE the diverse and equally IMPORTANT 'paths’ of others
* to be MORE INTERNALIZED in my way of being and doing things…..
and a whole list more.
I THANK the UNIVERSE for this precious treasure!"
This book is only available privately.
Initiation: Aubfruch in ein freies Leben
von Thomas Schmid und Ewa Willaredt, 2022. Ein freies Leben führen wollen viele. Doch kaum jemand weiß, wie es geht. Die meisten schleppen seelischen Ballast mit sich herum, ungelöste Konflikte und frühe Prägungen verstellen den Weg ins Freie. Ewa Willaredt und Thomas Schmid - erfahrene Trainer und Coaches - zeigen, wie wichtig der bewusste Schritt ins Erwachsensein ist: Unfreiheit und Unzufriedenheit rühren auch daher, dass Menschen keinerlei Initiation durchleben und deshalb nicht wirklich erwachsen werden. Idealer Zeitraum für eine solche Initiation ist das Jugendalter. Doch auch Erwachsene haben jederzeit die Möglichkeit, initiierte Erwachsene zu werden - mit der Vergangenheit Frieden zu machen, die volle Verantwortung für sich und andere zu übernehmen. Es ist nie zu spät! Im Buch werden zahlreiche Techniken vermittelt, wie diese Metamorphose zu einem freien Individuum gelingen kann. Lebensnah, lebensfreundlich, lebensecht. Ein Wagnis? Ja. Aber eines, das sich lohnt.
Veröffentlicht von Amazon Books On Demand
Sag es achtsam, lebe glücklicher: Mein Buch für ein bewusstes Miteinander | Wertvolle Tipps für achtsame Kommunikation
Von Stefan Bukacek 2022. Hilfreiche Tipps, Tricks und Methoden auf, wie man die eigenen Gefühle und Bedürfnisse besser erkennt, einordnet und ausdrückt. Und gibt gleichzeitig Skills mit, wie man mit den emotionalen Reaktionen des Gegenübers achtsam umgehen lernt. So gelingt es, sich auf persönliche Bedürfnisse zu fokussieren und seinen Wünschen, Träumen und Zielen – also dem Glück – ein großes Stück näherzukommen.
Ob in der Partnerschaft und in der Familie oder im Job und im ganz normalen Alltag – dieses Buch kann dir dabei helfen, dich und deine Mitmenschen besser zu verstehen und einen besseren, achtsameren und glücklicheren Umgang miteinander zu finden.
Stefan Bukacek ist Sachbuchautor und Trainer für gewaltfreie Kommunikation und arbeitet zudem als Unternehmensberater für Tech-Unternehmen.
Veröffentlicht von arsEdition
No Reason: 21 years with Western Baul Master Lee Lozowick
By Clinton Callahan 2022. True stories of Clinton's twenty-one year apprenticeship with the archetypal mage, Lee Lozowick. Here are teachings learned in the streets while Lee Lozowick delivers immediate alchemical process. In addition to Clinton's articles published in the Hohm Community's periodical 'Tawagoto', and the Hohm Sahaj Mandir Study Manuals III and IV, No Reason includes never-before-shared distinctions, liquid states, private feedback and coaching, heartbreaking insights, incredible opportunities, embarrassing blunders, and startling breakthroughs. This book is a treasure-chest of hard-earned and never-to-be-forgotten evolutionary jewels... the training of a Possibilitator. One reader wrote: "Finally No Reason arrived. I sit here in tears being so touched and connected by your words about your love to Lee!!! When I was at his ashram, I looked into some of his books and the very same happened to me reading and sensing his love for his master. Clinton I love you so much for this love. This is where I come from, what I am, and what I want to be in. This is my language, my home! This is the meeting point, my hook, my pain, my joy! I so much thank you for your work and love!"
Published by Thoughtware Press through Amazon Books On Demand. No Reason is translated into German as Ohne Grund.
Emotional Empowerment: How to heal your emotions and use your feelings as a resource
By Patrizia Patz, 2022. Feelings are not a disease! They are a source of power and a navigation system in one.
How to heal your emotions and use your feelings as a resource.
Forget everything you think you know about feelings! Because our culture, which is so rational and mind-oriented, wants us to believe that feelings are unprofessional and negative. To develop emotional strength, we need a different attitude towards feelings.Feelings are not a design flaw of creation! They are a useful source of power and navigation system in one. On the other hand, they can also be tools for manipulation. But without awareness of them, we have no choice. Only when we are aware of our feelings do we gain clarity and are able to take responsibility for our own lives….
Published by Books On Demand
Conscious Feelings: Living life closer to your own truth
by Clinton Callahan, 2022. The English version of Directing The Power Of Conscious Feelings is sold out. A newly Revised and Expanded edition with the title Conscious Feelings is available from Hohm Press with additional distinctions and updated thoughtmaps. The experiments have been given Matrix Codes for StartOver.xyz. New sections have been added regarding White Widow, the Fifth Body, Gremlin Transformation, Decontaminations of the Adult Ego State, and Radical Relating. We have learned so much through delivering Trainings, WorkTalks, and Possibility Coaching in the missing 12 years. Now we have a chance to share it with you!
Conscious Feelings is a treasure-chest full of Thoughtware for Archiarchy. Think of how many people might enjoy this wealth of new ideas for a Christmas present! Think of where you can leave a copy of Conscious Feelings at a favorite Café where people come to refresh themselves with new perspectives. Think of which ‘thought leaders’ lack Archiarchal Thoughtware – what if you sent it to them? Consider holding a Study Group to read Conscious Feelings together with your friends.
Try to remember when you first learned that there is a difference between Feelings and Emotions, how much that changed your life. Think back on your first low-level Feelings Experiments and how exciting it is to discover that you can lower your Numbness Bar and start using the practical intelligence and energy of Low-Level Feelings. How many of your friends and colleagues are still without this Clarity in their daily lives and relationships? What needless pain do they still create and suffer for themselves? Each book you place out there is a Golden Ticket to a new world!
Published by Hohm Press. Also available from Bookstore.org. Conscious Feelings is currently being translated into Portuguese, Spanish, and Polish.
Ich Mach Mein Ding: Wie du Beruf und Berufung vereinst
von Patrizia Patz, 2021. In dem Buch geht es in erster Linie nicht darum, wie man seine Berufung findet, sondern wie man Verantwortung dafür übernimmt, das in die Welt zu bringen, was einem wichtig ist und wofür man brennt.
Ich beschreibe im Buch die 14 typischen Hürden, die uns in der Regel davon abhalten, unsere Berufung in Aktion zu sein. Und natürlich, wie man diese Hürden überwindet. Und da kommen natürlich die ganzen wundervollen Unterscheidungen und Werkzeuge von Possibility Management ins Spiel.
Veröffentlicht von Business Village.
Wut kraft: Energie gewinnen, Beziehungen beleben, Grenzen setzen
von Friederike von Aderkas, 2021 mit Sylvia Gredig. 'Wut kraft' Seit Kindertagen haben wir gelernt, Wut zu unterdrücken, gilt sie doch als Zeichen der Zerstörung. Das ist fatal, denn Wut ist ein Gradmesser für unser Wohlbefinden. Wer ihr nicht zuhört, läuft Gefahr, den Zugang zu den eigenen Bedürfnissen zu verlieren, krank zu werden und eine Depression zu entwickeln.
Wutkraft ist eine Einladung, unsere eigene Wut kennenzulernen und verantwortlich damit zu leben. Sie weist uns den Weg zu mehr Präsenz, Lebendigkeit und Wohlgefühl. Anhand von zahlreichen Übungen und Reflexionen zeigt Friederike von Aderkas, wie wir unsere Wut positiv nutzen: Wie wir lernen, Grenzen zu setzen, Entscheidungen mit neuer Klarheit zu treffen und Beziehungen neu zu gestalten.Schritt für Schritt enthüllt Friederike Geheimnisse und Fähigkeiten, die sie zusammen mit Jelka Mönch gelernt hat, und liefert Rage Club - und emotionale Heilungsprozesse aus dem Possibility Management.
Veröffentlicht von Beltz Verlag.
Building Love That Lasts: Secrets for creating an extraordinary life and profound intimacy with your partner
By Clinton Callahan 2020. This is a reprint of Radiant Joy Brilliant Love with a new title, ISBN number, cover, updated weblinks, and Matrix Codes for each Experiment so that you you can record your Matrix Points at StartOver.xyz. This hard-hitting and innovative book about partnered relationship immediately challenges the deceptions about love and intimacy rampant in today's patriarchal culture. At the same time, Building Love That Lasts reveals a step-by-step process for discovering and living out alternative possibilities. The author claims that even the best of our relationships are still generally basic level; what he calls 'Ordinary Human Relationship'. He asserts that two more domains remain to be explored: namely, Extraordinary Human Relationship and Archetypal Love. The book describes exactly how to enter these new domains, and how to stay there long enough to cultivate genuine intimacy, nurturance, excitement and satisfaction together. The material for this book is startlingly original and fresh, directly distilled from over thirty years of trial, error and re-evaluation within small private circles and trainings conducted by the author in the U.S., Europe, and South America.
The essential teaching tools are 'Thoughtmaps' that illustrate and guide the dynamics of evolving relationship, coupled with a series of exploratory experiments to be undertaken alone or with one's partner. Topics include: Making the leap from 'Defensive Learning' to 'Expansive Learning'. Breaking out of the relationship 'Box'. The lie of being unlovable. Navigating in the realm of conscious feelings. And communication skills for 'explorers'.
Published by Hohm Press. Also available from Bookshop.org.